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UK (current version) of EU Regulation 1223/2009
Look for BREXIT to march into your Supply Chain and cause challenges starting at Import Customs all the way to Retail products on the shelf.
Let us untangle these concerns BEFORE they snag your products.
Effective 01/01/2021, the UK will have separate regulations similar to EU Regulation 1223/2009, which went into effect July 2013. All cosmetic products being sold in the United Kingdom must comply with this regulation. Products must meet all three requirements:
Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR) with Safety Assessment for the Product Information File (PIF) UK
Responsible Person (RP)
UK Cosmetic Product Notification submission
We’re on the forefront of the changes for implementation. Ingredients become restricted from time to time requiring an update to your file. We give you advance notice of these changes that impact your formulations.